Customize Markdown Elements

It's possible to replace Markdown elements (HTML tags) rendered into the page with Svelte components! Example:

<!-- img.svelte - The file name must match the HTML tag name. -->

<script lang="ts">
    export let src: string

<img {src} />

Modify preprocessor config:

    layouts: {
        default: ["img"],

Modify your +layout.svelte file:

<script lang="ts" context="module">
    <!--          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ IMPORTANT -->

    import img from "$lib/markdown/img.svelte"

    export const markdownElements = { img }

<script lang="ts">
    import { setContext } from "svelte"

    setContext("markdownElements_", markdownElements)
    //                          ^ IMPORTANT
  • Learn more about the layouts option.
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